It’s more important than ever for our outdoor spaces and activities to be inclusive and accessible to all. People right here in our Fox Cities are missing out on the cultural connections, soul-rejuvenating joy and numerous health benefits of being outdoors. Hmong people are still dealing with the racist fallout of the Chai Vang incident and pandemic-related anti-Asian hate; Hispanic people lack resources in their native language and are scolded for speaking Spanish in public; Black people worry about having police called on them for something as innocent as barbecuing; folks with mobility challenges are segregated to side entrances and the few paved trails; and gay couples fear harassment for holding hands. Our opportunity is to lower barriers and create a Fox Cities region where all people feel fully welcomed in our outdoor spaces. We must take action to achieve that goal; doing so will improve the health and wellbeing of members of marginalized groups, increase engagement with our local institutions, foster support for conservation, environmental justice, education and sustainability causes, and bring our community closer together.
Advisory Committee
Inclusion in the Outdoors was featured in Voices from the Valley, a Podcast of the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region.
We hope you enjoy the episode!
To reach the Inclusion in the Outdoors Program Director, Mayra Pasayes, please call 920-365-4091.